
Friday, May 20, 2011

Gender Driving

What is the difference of gender-specific driving etiquette?

A woman is driving at night on a narrow country road. At the same time, a man is driving in the opposite direction on that same road.

When they narrowly pass each other at high speed, the woman rolls down her window and loudly shouts - HORSE!

Immediately the man shouts back - BITCH!

The man laughs. He is proud to have reacted so quickly to the shouting woman and takes the next turn in the road maintaining his speed.

Moral of the story:

Men never listen, and when they do, they don't understand one word a woman says.


bjbohls said...

Hey Sandy -

Hahahahahaha good one, thank you :)

Tony Payne said...


Lou16 said...

Oh that is priceless!